Sukujen Silta project


The Project


Finnish immigration to countries overseas began as a mass movement in the latter part of the 19th century.  Large amount of residents also from northern Satakunta province and the municipality of Merikarvia have emigrated to Canada, US, Australia and Sweden. 

As of today, many of the descendants of these immigrants have lost touch with their relations in Finland.


Thanks to social media and most Finns knowing English, it has become easier to search the family roots in Finland.


The purpose of the Merikarvia Society is to help people with Finnish origins to reconnect with their roots in northern Satakunta and Merikarvia area. The aim of the project is to collect historical information and stories about immigrants.


The target is to combine these results and made public in the internet, to be accessible to everyone. This information will be important to our Finnish and foreign partners and the people overseas looking for their roots. It will also support the future aims of the project.

Funding of the project 

Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Satakunta region

The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development  

The project number: 27422

The project name: Sukujen Silta (The Bridge of Families)

The programme: the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland 2014-2020

The programme category: Culture and natural heritage, development

The programme sub-category: 7.6 Culture and natural heritage

Leader-group: Aktiivinen Pohjois-Satakunta ry

The Project scope: Regional/Local

The Project timeline: 01.10.2016 - 30.09.2017


The total approved funding for the project is 18 500,00 EUR, where

applied allowance / funding  16 650,00 EUR

6 993,00 EUR from EU

6 327,00 EUR from the state

3 330,00 EUR from the municipality

public funding TOT 16 650,00 EUR

private work without compensation 1 850,00 EUR

Approved TOT: 18 500,00 EUR


Päivitetty 19.1.2017